Big 4 Cycle Committee

Big 4 Cycle Committee

The Big 4 Cycle Committee is responsible for organising the Big 4 Cycle.

During the Big 4 Cycle, students get the chance to meet the four biggest accountancy firms: Deloitte, EY, KPMG, and PwC. During the in-house days, students will solve real-life cases and the day will be finished with an informal dinner. The committee will focus on the promotion of the in-house days and will accompany the students during the days.

As a committee member you are responsible, among other things, for the following tasks:

  • Setting up a promotion plan;
  • Communication with students;
  • Support during the in-house days

As a committee member, you have the perfect opportunity to meet several accountancy firms and to expand your network in the accounting industry.

Event: The Big 4 Cycle 
Time period: August 2024 - October 2024 (with an average of 2 to 4 hours per week)
Application deadline: July 7, 2024
Committee composition: 2 committee members, 1 board member

Joining the committee

Recruitment period

Application for this committee is closed.

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