Asset Management Tour Committee

Asset Management Tour Committee

The Asset Management Tour committee is responsible for organizing the Asset Management Tour, which is a multiple-day event held at the beginning of November. During the Asset Management Tour, a group of 20 students will meet the largest players in the Dutch Asset Management industry through several inhouse days. The inhouse days consist of strategic and interactive investment cases and a lunch, dinner, or drinks at the office of the participating Asset Managers.

This event is organized in collaboration with the Financial Study association Amsterdam (FSA). Last year’s participating companies were Van Lanschot Kempen, Privium Fund Management with Deeptech Equity NL, PGB Pensioenfonds and Orange Capital Partners. 

As a committee member, you are responsible, among other things, for the following tasks:

  • Setting up a promotion plan;
  • Setting up an itinerary;
  • Booking the hotel and dinners;
  • Communicating with applicants;
  • Coordinating the group of students during the tour.

As a committee member, you have the perfect opportunity to meet well-known Asset Managers and expand your network in the Asset Management industry.

Event: Asset Management Tour
Time period: August 2024 – November 2024 (average of 5 hours per week)
Application deadline: July 7, 2024
Committee composition: 2 committee members, 2 board members (one committee member from FSR and one from FSA)


Joining the committee

Recruitment period

Application for this committee is closed.

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