Stijn van de Pavoordt

My name is Stijn van de Pavoordt and I am the Commissioner Activities of the XXVIth FSR board. Three years ago, I started with the bachelor Business Administration at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Last year, I completed my bachelor’s degree, during which I went on to Brisbane Australia for my exchange. This semester and the traveling in the Oceania region afterwards allowed me to gain a lot of new experiences.

During my bachelor's, I discovered my interest in finance. However, there are many possibilities within this sector, so within my board year, I want to get to know all the different aspects of finance to decide which field I like the most. Apart from that, I wanted to develop myself professionally and meet new people with the same interests. During a board year, you learn to organize events, communicate with large companies, and do many other things. All in all, being a board member at the FSR is the perfect way for me to develop my skills and decide in which finance working field I would like to work in the future.

As the Commissioner Activities, I have a couple of responsibilities. First of all, I am responsible for several events like the Big 4 Cycle, Consultancy Landscape, and Women Consultancy Days. Besides this, I am also responsible for Human Resources, the recruitment of new committee members for the FSR, and the Active Members. The biggest advantage of being the Commissioner Activities, is that you are also the Chairman of the International Research Project, which is the biggest event of  FSR. This is a consultancy project where a group of twenty master students does research for five different partners. After the desk research is done the group travels abroad for a month to complete the research.

If you have any questions regarding being a board member at the FSR, feel free to contact me at any time or to drop by the office in G-Building: G3-06.

Stijn van de Pavoordt
Commissioner Activities | FSR Board 2023-2024
+31 (0)6 51924656 


Jeroen de Jong