Pim van Velden

My name is Pim van Velden and I am the Commissioner Finance Activities of the XXVIth board of the Financial Study association Rotterdam (FSR). Four years ago, I started the bachelor Business Administration in Rotterdam, because businesses and entrepreneurship have been quite interesting to me since I was young. Throughout my bachelor studies, I discovered that the Finance courses inspired me the most and therefore I decided to do the master Finance & Investments. During this master, I pursued a M&A internship in Rotterdam at IRIS Corporate Finance, which deeper gained my interest in Finance.

Last year, I was also a member of the M&A PE Days committee at FSR. I thoroughly enjoyed organising and hosting these events, which provided me with a unique opportunity to enhance my non-academic skills and gain insights into the field of Finance. Collaborating closely with the committee and engaging in communication with both students and employees boosted my non-academic skills. Moreover, during the event days, you also have the chance to gain first-hand experience with various companies by visiting their physical location and conversing with their employees A board year at FSR seems like the perfect opportunity to me to further orient myself within the financial sector and further develop my non-academic skills.

As Commissioner Finance Activities, my main responsibility is to organise the finance-related events of FSR. These events are International Banking Cycle (IBC), Financial Business Cycle (FBC), Corporate Finance Competition (CFC), PE Days, Valuation, M&A Days and London Finance Tour (LFT). I will organise these events together with my fellow board members and committees, which further increases soft skills such as communication and leadership.

If you have any questions or want to know more about my role within the board, or about a board year in general. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me or come by our office for a cup of coffee.

Pim van Velden                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Commissioner Finance Activities | FSR Board 2023/2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            +31 (0)6 31 24 16 62                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  finance@fsr.nl


Pim van Velden