Noël Bax

Hi everyone! My name is Noël Bax and I am the Treasurer of the XXVIth board of the Financial Study association Rotterdam. After graduating from high school in Leiden four years ago, I moved to Rotterdam to start my bachelor’s degree in International Economics and Business Economics. During my first year, I joined the student association Laurentius where I met some of my best friends and my current roommates. I also signed up for the tennis association, Passing Shot, as I had been practicing the sport my entire life. Besides studying, I had a position as Finance Trainee at the Rotterdam-based leasing company Beequip, where I gained valuable insights in the financial workings of a firm.

Last year, I was a committee member for the Financial Business Cycle. This experience gave me an impression of the world of finance and made me eager to orientate even further. A board year at FSR was the perfect opportunity to do so, as you get to interact with prestigious companies that are active in the various branches of finance. Moreover, you also get to feel what it is like to be in charge of a large study association and its responsibilities. Hence, after graduating from my bachelor’s degree this year, I decided to apply for the position of Treasurer of FSR.

The main responsibility of the Treasurer is the financial well-being of the association. In order to keep track of the financial health of FSR, I closely monitor the budgetary situation and adjust the strategic position accordingly. Since I am in charge of the budget for all events, this also entails that I work closely together with my board members on their respective events. Besides day-to-day business like taxes and invoicing, the Treasurer is always looking at the future of the association. By analysing previous expenditures, I am looking for opportunities to improve both the efficiency of our events, as well as our event portfolio. Furthermore, I will also be the chairman of the Asset Management Tour, Conference and Masterclass committees. Together with my fellow board members and the committee members, we are looking forward to organising these events as the perfect bridge between students and companies of the financial sector.

Should you want you want to know more about either the position of treasurer or FSR in general, feel free to contact me or come by our office (G3-06) for a cup of coffee!

Noël Bax
Treasurer | FSR Board 2023-2024
+31 6 48 56 48 26


Noël Bax