Feline Schipper

My name is Feline Schipper, the External Relations of the XXVIth board of the Financial Study association Rotterdam. Three years ago I moved from Germany to Rotterdam. After having moved around a bit growing up, I was excited to settle down and start studying International Business Administration. My interest in business, as well as Rotterdam’s international image, led me to make this decision. Throughout my degree, I realised I found the finance courses most enjoyable, which made me want to pursue this area of interest. In my third year, I had the opportunity to study a semester abroad at Korea University in Seoul, which was an incredible experience. 

Last year, I completed an internship at KPMG to broaden my experience, which confirmed my interest in finance.  The idea of starting my master’s degree right after my bachelor did not appeal to me. I would rather gain some practical experience prior to beginning my master’s degree. Hence, I applied for a board year at FSR. By being part of the external committee at my rowing association, I became familiar with what it is like to be in contact with several companies, build long-term relationships, and see the commercial aspect of an association. The role of external relations of FSR seemed most fitting

As External Relations, my main concern is to have contact with the partners of the FSR, maintain relationships, and start new collaborations. This provides me with the opportunity to visit these partners and get an insight into the leading companies in the Finance, Accounting, and Consultancy sectors. Besides that, I organize several events like the Financial Business Cycle and the Investment Week with my board and committee members.

If you would like to know more about what it is like being part of the FSR board or have any other questions, feel free to contact me!

Feline Schipper
Commissioner of External Relations | FSR Board 2023-2024
+31 (0)6 42 62 22 54 


Feline Schipper